samedi 10 mai 2008

Push and Pull Technologies:

The Internet is a network of all networks that links different people nationally and internationally using open standards and protocols and benefiting from an easy entry because of the low barriers. The internet is considered as one of the most important existing media tools because of its features and the services it can provide. In addition to that, the internet is the only media that at the same time plays the role of a push and pull technology.

A push technology provides users with information so all they have to do is receive it. This technology includes radio, television and emails… A pull technology requires the people to actively go and retrieve the information. This technology includes means such as library, webs, and newspapers because they need the participation of people to retrieve the information.

· As a push technology, the internet allows clients to retrieve information as soon as it becomes available. In other words, as a push technology, the internet is a multitude of technologies adopted to send information to a client without the client requesting it. Some researchers argue that push technologies to be very timely and reliable. Moreover, push technologies are easy to use because they require a minimum of effort on the part of the recipient.
· As a pull technology, the internet is based on the usual call/answer model. It requires that clients know where and when to search data. According to the same researchers, this technology may not be timely because people can retrieve information later than it should.

dimanche 6 avril 2008



1) A government website afford the following functions:
· Pushing information over the internet
· Two-way communications between the agency and the citizen, a business, or another government agency. In this model, users can engage in dialogue with agencies and post problems, comments, or requests to the agency.
· conducting transactions
· governance

2) According to the United Nations’, e-government is a “permanent commitment by government to improve the relationship between the private citizen and the public sector through enhanced, cost-effective and efficient electronic delivery of services, information and knowledge”. In other words it is the use of the Internet as a platform for exchanging information, providing services and transacting with citizens, businesses…

3) E-governance called also electronic governance is the use of electronic technologies to build and maintain relations between the public authorities and citizens, to assure a good functioning of the public authorities and to provide public services.

4) E-government will help countries improve their government activities, gain more accountability, reduce the administrative time and money costs. Moreover, e-government promises a reduction of corruption.

5) E-government enables government organisations :
· To meet the rising demands of the citizens who consider themselves as clients and consumers
· To redesign internal and external information exchanges with relevant stakeholders (citizens, companies and societal organizations)
· To open a new perspective on public participation

6) I have found 5 stages of e-government:
· Emerge web presence
· Enhance web presence
· Interactive web presence
· Transactional web presence
· Seamless or fully integrated web presence

7) The objectives of the UN e-government Readiness Report are to help governments monitor and compare their progress with their peers in other countries.

8) To improve e-governance/e-participation in the Arab world we should work hard on increasing public awareness and public trust. Moreover, we can say that the pillars to enhance e-governance/e-participation in the Arab world are three:

· Encourage e-participation
· Organize e-participation
· Manage e-participation

In addition to that, we should make people change their idea about E-government and start believing that E-government means change and supports reform. Finally government should develop marketing and publicity campaigns that inform the public about e-government virtues.