dimanche 6 avril 2008



1) A government website afford the following functions:
· Pushing information over the internet
· Two-way communications between the agency and the citizen, a business, or another government agency. In this model, users can engage in dialogue with agencies and post problems, comments, or requests to the agency.
· conducting transactions
· governance

2) According to the United Nations’, e-government is a “permanent commitment by government to improve the relationship between the private citizen and the public sector through enhanced, cost-effective and efficient electronic delivery of services, information and knowledge”. In other words it is the use of the Internet as a platform for exchanging information, providing services and transacting with citizens, businesses…

3) E-governance called also electronic governance is the use of electronic technologies to build and maintain relations between the public authorities and citizens, to assure a good functioning of the public authorities and to provide public services.

4) E-government will help countries improve their government activities, gain more accountability, reduce the administrative time and money costs. Moreover, e-government promises a reduction of corruption.

5) E-government enables government organisations :
· To meet the rising demands of the citizens who consider themselves as clients and consumers
· To redesign internal and external information exchanges with relevant stakeholders (citizens, companies and societal organizations)
· To open a new perspective on public participation

6) I have found 5 stages of e-government:
· Emerge web presence
· Enhance web presence
· Interactive web presence
· Transactional web presence
· Seamless or fully integrated web presence

7) The objectives of the UN e-government Readiness Report are to help governments monitor and compare their progress with their peers in other countries.

8) To improve e-governance/e-participation in the Arab world we should work hard on increasing public awareness and public trust. Moreover, we can say that the pillars to enhance e-governance/e-participation in the Arab world are three:

· Encourage e-participation
· Organize e-participation
· Manage e-participation

In addition to that, we should make people change their idea about E-government and start believing that E-government means change and supports reform. Finally government should develop marketing and publicity campaigns that inform the public about e-government virtues.

1 commentaire:

Unknown a dit…

Very well done.